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QuickStart: Learn 80% of Fusion by walking through HelloCart sample

This part is an attempt to introduce all key Fusion features in a single document. If you find it doesn’t do its job well, please don’t hesitate to reach AY on our Discord Server and tell him everything 😈

The content below implies you can browse, build, and run HelloCart Sample, so before you start reading further, it’s highly recommended to:

  1. Clone
  2. Open Samples.sln in your favorite IDE.

What is HelloCart sample?

It’s a small console app designed to show how to implement a simple Fusion API by starting from a toy version of it and gradually transition to its production-ready version that uses EF Core, can be called remotely, and scales horizontally relying on multi-host invalidation.

The API it implements is defined in Abstractions.cs.

There are two immutable model types:

public record Product : IHasId<string>
    public string Id { get; init; } = "";
    public decimal Price { get; init; } = 0;

public record Cart : IHasId<string>
    public string Id { get; init; } = "";
    public ImmutableDictionary<string, decimal> Items { get; init; } = ImmutableDictionary<string, decimal>.Empty;

I use records and IHasId<string> here solely because it’s a good idea to show all the constraints explicitly in your APIs. But Fusion doesn’t really care about either, so both things are totally optional.

We’re also going to implement two services:

public interface IProductService
    Task Edit(EditCommand<Product> command, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
    Task<Product?> Get(string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

public interface ICartService
    Task Edit(EditCommand<Cart> command, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
    Task<Cart?> Get(string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
    Task<decimal> GetTotal(string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

If we ignore [CommandHandler] and [ComputeMethod] for now, it’s a tiny CRUD CQRS-style API, where EditCommand<T> is used to implement creation, update, and deletion (it’s a demo project, so a single command is used here mainly to save some amount of code):

public record EditCommand<TValue>(string Id, TValue? Value = null) : ICommand<Unit>
    where TValue : class, IHasId<string>
    public EditCommand(TValue value) : this(value.Id, value) { }
    // Newtonsoft.Json needs this constructor to deserialize this record
    public EditCommand() : this("") { }

How are we going to use Fusion here?

Imagine we build a UI. Our UI code runs on the client (think Blazor WebAssembly), and for simplicity, we care just about a single thing: the total cost of items in user’s cart. We want to update this cost in real-time once anything impacting it changes.

This is why ICartService.GetTotal exists - this method is expected to return the right total. But… Looks like there is nothing in our API that could tell the client that total for the specific cart changes, right?

The right answer to this question is “Wrong! It’s a Fusion API, and every read endpoint of a Fusion API is capable of doing exactly this!”. But before we dig into the details, let’s think how we’d implement the same behavior without Fusion.

One possible option is:

  1. Add SignalR hub on server
  2. Make it broadcast every command to every client
  3. Make clients to maintain their own copies of their carts by “watching” for EditCommand<Product> and EditCommand<Cart> and update cart’s content and total.

Note that point #3 already implies that you have to add a fair amount of code on the client side:

And that’s just the beginning of our problems - the implementation described above:

  1. Allows everyone to watch everyone else’s purchases. This might be fine in some countries, but… Most of these countries are still living in pre-internet age, so it’s a fictional scenario even there.

    But even taking ethics and security aside, retransmitting every command to every client means you’ll see O(ClientCount^2) packet rate on server, which consequently means this implementation also won’t scale. You absolutely need to filter commands on the server side just because of this.

  2. Ok, we need to filter our commands on the server side. Let’s add an extra logic to Edit<Product> handler that finds every cart this product is added to and notifies every customer watching these carts.

    Here you realize you need a pub-sub to implement this - i.e. your clients will have to subscribe to and unsubscribe from topics like "cart-[cartId]" to watch for… Wait, are we still going to send Edit<Product> commands to these topics, or we better go with a separate model for these notifications? And if yes - we’ll definitely need a separate logic to process these…

  3. What if your client temporarily loses its connection to server? Remember that it needs to know precise cart content to properly update it on every command or change notification. So you need a logic that will refresh the cart once reconnection happens, right?

  4. Most of real-time messaging APIs don’t provide strong guarantees for message ordering - especially for messages sent to different topics / channels, and any real real-time app uses a number of such channels. Moreover, if you send requests via regular HTTP API to the same server, the order of these responses and the order of messages you get via SignalR can differ from their order on server side. In other words, you might receive EditCommand("apple", 5) message first (which sets “apple” price to 5), and after that get the “current” cart content, which is already an outdated now - you requested it few second ago due to reconnect, and this request was completed by server before processing EditCommand("apple", 5) command, but the message describing this command somehow got to the client faster. In other words, you need to take a number of extra steps to ensure the state exposed by your client is still eventually consistent (i.e. eventually the client will display the right cart content and the right total).

  5. “Real real-time app” also means you’ll have multiple servers. Usually each client talks with just one of them, but changes may happen on any other, so your servers need to somehow announce these changes to their peers. And if you think how to implement this, you’ll quickly conclude that you need one more flavor of the same protocol, but now for cross-server change announcements, and moreover, these servers have to implement reactions to these events too!

That’s not the full list, but the gist is: as usual, the problem is much more complex than it initially seems. And even if we leave all the technical difficulties aside, the straightforward implementation of such an architecture makes you to violate DRY and SRP multiple times.

If you’re not convinced yet that all if this doesn’t look good, check out my other post covering another similar scenario: “How Similar Is Fusion to SignalR?”

Can we do better than that?

Yes, and that’s exactly what I’m going to talk about further. But first, let’s launch HelloCart and see what it does:

Once you select the API implementation, the sample uses it to create 3 products and 2 carts:

// Code from AppBase.cs
public virtual async Task InitializeAsync()
    var pApple = new Product { Id = "apple", Price = 2M };
    var pBanana = new Product { Id = "banana", Price = 0.5M };
    var pCarrot = new Product { Id = "carrot", Price = 1M };
    ExistingProducts = new [] { pApple, pBanana, pCarrot };
    foreach (var product in ExistingProducts)
        await HostProductService.Edit(new EditCommand<Product>(product));

    var cart1 = new Cart() { Id = "cart:apple=1,banana=2",
        Items = ImmutableDictionary<string, decimal>.Empty
            .Add(pApple.Id, 1)
            .Add(pBanana.Id, 2)
    var cart2 = new Cart() { Id = "cart:banana=1,carrot=1",
        Items = ImmutableDictionary<string, decimal>.Empty
            .Add(pBanana.Id, 1)
            .Add(pCarrot.Id, 1)
    ExistingCarts = new [] { cart1, cart2 };
    foreach (var cart in ExistingCarts)
        await HostCartService.Edit(new EditCommand<Cart>(cart));

Then it creates a set of background tasks watching for changes made to every one of them:

public Task Watch(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    var tasks = new List<Task>();
    foreach (var product in ExistingProducts)
        tasks.Add(WatchProduct(product.Id, cancellationToken));
    foreach (var cart in ExistingCarts)
        tasks.Add(WatchCartTotal(cart.Id, cancellationToken));
    return Task.WhenAll(tasks);

public async Task WatchCartTotal(string cartId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    var cartService = WatchServices.GetRequiredService<ICartService>();
    var computed = await Computed.Capture(
        ct => cartService.GetTotal(cartId, ct), 
    while (true) {
        WriteLine($"  {cartId}: total = {computed.Value}");
        await computed.WhenInvalidated(cancellationToken);
        computed = await computed.Update(false, cancellationToken);

public async Task WatchProduct(string productId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    var productService = WatchServices.GetRequiredService<IProductService>();
    // The rest is similar to the same code in WatchCartTotal

Let’s postpone the discussion of above code for now. The only remark I want to make at this point is that Watch is started in fire-and-forgot fashion in Program.cs, line ~50.

Finally, the looped section in Program.cs starts to as you to enter [productId]=[price] expression, parses it, and sends the following command:

var command = new EditCommand<Product>(product with { Price = price });
await app.ClientProductService.Edit(command);
// You can run absolutely identical action with:
// await app.ClientServices.Commander().Call(command);

As you see, this call triggers not only the “watcher” task for the product you change, but surprisingly, for cart’s total as well😲

And it happens not just for a single cart, but for any cart that contains the product you modify - try typing banana=100 expression (“banana” is contained in both carts) to see both carts’ totals are updated!

Wait, but why this is such a big deal?

We’ve just shown there is a way to propagate any changes made to a relatively small component to a derivative that uses this component. And further I’ll show this is done completely automatically - except a relatively small part.

So… We have a tool allowing us to recompute any derivative as reaction to change in any other piece of data it uses. And this is almost all you need to build the real-time UI, because any UI model can be this derivative as well!

Now let’s learn how it works by starting from the very basic implementation (v1) of IProductService and ICartService.

Version 1: ConcurrentDictionary-based implementation

Code: src/HelloCart/v1

☝ This is the most complex, but also the most important part of this document, because it explains nearly all key abstractions. Please be patient and read it carefully 🙏

First, check out InMemoryProductService there. You might notice just a few unusual things there:

  1. All of its API methods (declared in IProductService) are marked as virtual
  2. Edit contains a bit unusual piece of code:
     if (Computed.IsInvalidating()) {
         _ = Get(productId, default);
         return Task.CompletedTask;

Everything else looks absolutely normal.

The same is equally applicable to InMemoryCartService:

  1. All of its API methods (declared in ICartService) are marked as virtual
  2. Edit contains a bit unusual piece of code:
     if (Computed.IsInvalidating()) {
         _ = Get(cartId, default);
         return Task.CompletedTask;

Finally, let’s look at the code that registers these services in IoC container:

public class AppV1 : AppBase
    public AppV1()
        var services = new ServiceCollection();
        services.AddFusion(fusion => {
            fusion.AddService<IProductService, InMemoryProductService>();
            fusion.AddService<ICartService, InMemoryCartService>();
        ClientServices = HostServices = services.BuildServiceProvider();

One thing is clear now: this is the code that adds a magical ingredient to a pretty usual dish to give it superpowers. Sorry, can’t resist to depict it in symbols: 🧝=🥣+🦄

Seriously, so how does it work?

AddService registers so-called Compute Service - a singleton, which proxy type is generated in the runtime, but derives from the type you provide, i.e. InMemoryProductService / InMemoryCartService in above case. The proxy “decorates” every method marked by [ComputeMethod] with a special wrapper:

  1. First, it computes the key for this call. It is ~ (serviceInstance, method, arguments.ExceptCancellationToken()) tuple.

  2. Then it checks if the IComputed instance associated with the same key still exists in RAM. ComputedRegistry is the underlying type that caches weak references to all of IComputed instances and helps to find them. If IComputed instance is found and it’s still Consistent, the wrapper “strips” it by returning its Value - in other words, it returns the cached answer. Note that Value may throw an exception - as you might guess, exceptions are cached the same way as well, though by default they auto-expire in 1 second.

  3. Otherwise it acquires async lock for the key and retries #2 inside this lock. You probably recognize this is just a double-checked locking.

  4. If all of this didn’t help to find the cached “answer”, the base method (i.e. your original one) is called to compute it. But before the computation part start, the IComputed instance that’s going to store its outcome gets temporarily exposed via Computed.GetCurrent() for the duration of the computation.

    Why? Well, it wasn’t mentioned, but once an IComputed gets “stripped” on step #2, #3, and even later on #4, it’s also registered as a dependency of any other IComputed that’s currently exposed via Computed.GetCurrent(). And this is how IComputed instances “learn” all the components they’re “built” from.

    When the computation completes, the newly created IComputed gets registered in ComputedRegistry and “stripped” the same way to return its Value and possibly, become a dependency of another IComputed.

The gist is: any Compute Service methods marked by [ComputeMethod] attribute get a special behavior, which:

And even though normally you don’t see these IComputed instances, there are APIs allowing you to:

Do you remember the code “watching” for cart changes in the beginning?

// Computed.Capture pulls the `IComputed` storing the
// result of a call to the first [ComputeMethod] made from 
// the delegate it gets, i.e. the result of
// cartService.GetTotal(cartId, ct) in this case
var computed = await Computed.Capture(
    ct => cartService.GetTotal(cartId, ct), cancellationToken);
while (true) {
    WriteLine($"  {cartId}: total = {computed.Value}");
    // IComputed.WhenInvalidated awaits for the invalidation.
    // It returns immediately if 
    // (computed.State == ConsistencyState.Invalidated)
    await computed.WhenInvalidated(cancellationToken);
    // Finally, this is how you update IComputed instances.
    // As you might notice, they're almost immutable, 
    // so "update" always means creation of a new instance.
    computed = await computed.Update(false, cancellationToken);

Now, how these dependencies get created? Let’s look at InMemoryCartService.GetTotal again:

public virtual async Task<decimal> GetTotal(
    string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    // Dependency: this.Get(id)!
    var cart = await Get(id, cancellationToken);
    if (cart == null)
        return 0;
    var total = 0M;
    foreach (var (productId, quantity) in cart.Items) {
        // Dependency: _products.Get(productId)!
        var product = await _products.Get(productId, cancellationToken);
        total += (product?.Price ?? 0M) * quantity;
    return total;

As you see, any result of GetTotal(id) becomes dependent on:

If you want to learn more about Compute Services and IComputed, check out Part 1 and Part 2 of this Tutorial later.

Now it’s time to demystify how Get(productId) call result gets invalidated once a product with productId gets changed.

Again, remember this code?

public virtual Task Edit(EditCommand<Product> command, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    var (productId, product) = command;
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(productId))
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(command));
    if (Computed.IsInvalidating()) {
        // This is the invalidation block.
        // Every [ComputeMethod] result you "touch" here
        // instantly becomes a 🎃 (gets invalidated)!
        _ = Get(productId, default);
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    if (product == null)
        _products.Remove(productId, out _);
        _products[productId] = product;
    return Task.CompletedTask;

And if you look into similar Edit for in InMemoryCartService, you’ll find a very similar block there:

if (Computed.IsInvalidating()) {
    _ = Get(cartId, default);
    return Task.CompletedTask;

So now you have almost the full picture:

What’s missing is how it happens that when you call Edit, *both if (Computed.IsInvalidating()) { ... } and the code outside of this block runs, assuming this block contains return statement?

I’ll give a brief answer here:

Under the hood all of this is powered by similar AOP-style decorators and CommandR - a MediatR - style abstraction used by Fusion to implement its command processing pipeline.

Methods marked with [CommandHandler] behave very differently from methods marked by [ComputeMethod] - in fact, there is nothing common at all. The wrapper logic for command handlers does nothing but routes every call to ICommander. This allows you to call such methods directly - note that if this logic won’t exist, calling such a method directly would be a mistake, because such call won’t trigger the whole command processing pipeline for the used command.

So wrappers for [CommandHandler]-s declared in Compute Services exist to unify this: you are free to invoke such commands by either throwing them to ICommander.Call(command, ...), or just calling them directly. Later you’ll learn that this feature also enables Fusion to implement clients for APIs like ICartService, and to route client-side commands (sent to client-side ICommander instances) to these clients to execute them on server side.

Ok, but what happens when the command is processed by ICommander? As in case with MediatR, it means triggering command handler pipeline for this type of command. Fusion injects a number of its own middleware-like handlers for Compute Service commands. These handlers run your command handler (the final one) in the end, but also provide all the infrastructure needed to “replay” this command in the invalidation mode on every host. In particular, they:

Btw, “replaying the command in the invalidation mode” means:

☝ The pipeline described above is called “Operations Framework” (OF further) - in fact, it’s just a set of handlers and services for CommandR providing this multi-host invalidation pipeline for every Fusion’s Compute Service.

And a few final remarks on this:

  1. The pipeline described above is used very partially in v1’s case: there are no other hosts, no database, and thus no calls enabling all these integrations were made when the IoC container was configured. So only a very core part of this pipeline running handlers normally + in the invalidation mode is used.
  2. No, this is not how Fusion delivers changes to every remote client (e.g. Blazor WASM running in your browser). This pipeline is server-side only.

If you want to learn all the details about this - check out Part 8, Part 9, and Part 10 of the Tutorial 😎

Version 2: Switching to EF Core

Code: src/HelloCart/v2

☝ We will move WAY FASTER now - this and every following version will require just about 5 minutes of your time.

Here is what code inside AppV2 constructor does:

// This is exactly the same Compute Service registration code you saw earlier
services.AddFusion(fusion => {
    fusion.AddService<IProductService, DbProductService>();
    fusion.AddService<ICartService, DbCartService>();

// This also a usual way to add a pooled IDbContextFactory -
// a preferable way of accessing DbContexts nowadays
var appTempDir = PathEx.GetApplicationTempDirectory("", true);
var dbPath = appTempDir & "HelloCart_v01.db";
services.AddDbContextFactory<AppDbContext>(db => {
    db.UseSqlite($"Data Source={dbPath}");

// AddDbContextServices is just a convenience builder allowing
// to omit DbContext type in misc. normal and extension methods 
// it has
services.AddDbContextServices<AppDbContext>(db => {
    // Uncomment if you'll be using AddRedisOperationLogChangeTracking 
    // db.AddRedisDb("localhost", "Fusion.Tutorial.Part10");

    // This call enabled Operations Framework (OF) for AppDbContext. 
    db.AddOperations(operations => {
        operations.ConfigureOperationLogReader(_ => new() {
            // We use FileBasedDbOperationLogChangeTracking, so unconditional wake up period
            // can be arbitrary long - all depends on the reliability of Notifier-Monitor chain.
            // See what .ToRandom does - most of timeouts in Fusion settings are RandomTimeSpan-s,
            // but you can provide a normal one too - there is an implicit conversion from it.
            UnconditionalCheckPeriod = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Env.IsDevelopment() ? 60 : 5).ToRandom(0.05),
        // And this call tells that hosts will use a shared file
        // to "message" each other that operation log was updated.
        // In fact, they'll just be "touching" this file once
        // this happens and watch for change of its modify date.
        // You shouldn't use this mechanism in real multi-host
        // scenario, but it works well if you just want to test
        // multi-host invalidation on a single host by running
        // multiple processes there.
        // Or, if you use PostgreSQL, use this instead of above line
        // operations.AddNpgsqlOperationLogChangeTracking();
        // Or, if you use Redis, use this instead of above line
        // operations.AddRedisOperationLogChangeTracking();
ClientServices = HostServices = services.BuildServiceProvider();

AppV2.InitializeAsync simply re-created the DB:

await using var dbContext = HostServices.GetRequiredService<IDbContextFactory<AppDbContext>>().CreateDbContext();
await dbContext.Database.EnsureDeletedAsync();
await dbContext.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();
await base.InitializeAsync();

Now, if you look at DbProductService and DbCartService, you’ll notice just a few differences between them and any regular service that reads/writes the DB:

  1. They are inherited from DbServiceBase<AppDbContext>. This type is just a convenience helper providing a few protected methods for services that are supposed to access the DB.

  2. One of these methods is CreateDbContext - you may see it’s typically used like this:

    await using var dbContext = CreateDbContext();
    // ... code using dbContext

    By default, CreateDbContext returns a read-only DbContext with change tracking disabled. As you might guess, this method of getting DbContext is supposed to be used in [ComputeMethod]-s, i.e. query-style methods that aren’t supposed to change anything or rely on change tracking.

    “Read-only” means this DbContext “throws” on attempt to call SaveChangesAsync.

  3. And another one is CreateCommandDbContext, which is used like this:

    await using var dbContext = await CreateCommandDbContext(cancellationToken);
    // ... code using dbContext

    Contrary to the previous method, this method is used to create DbContext inside command handlers, and once it’s called, it also starts the transaction associated with the current command (which is why this method returns Task<TDbContext>). The transaction is auto-committed once your handler completes normally (i.e. w/o an exception), moreover, the operation log entry describing the current command will be persisted as part of this transaction.

    As you might guess, the DbContext provided by this method is read-write and with enabled change tracking. Moreover, if you call it multiple times, you’ll get different DbContext-s, but all of them will share the same DbConnection, and consequently, will “see” the DB through the same transaction.

And that’s it. So to use Fusion with EF, you must:

Version 3: Production-grade EF Core code

Code: src/HelloCart/v3

The v2 code is actually already good enough, but one small improvement can make it way better:

b.AddEntityResolver<string, DbProduct>();
b.AddEntityResolver<string, DbCart>((_, options) => {
    // Cart is always loaded together with items
    options.QueryTransformer = carts => carts.Include(c => c.Items);

This code registers two entity resolvers - one for DbProduct type, and another one - for DbCart type (string is the type of key of these entities).

Entity resolvers are helpers grouping multiple requests to find the entity by its key together and resolving all of them by sending a single DB query.

The pseudo-code of the “main loop” of every entity resolver looks ~ as follows:

while (NotDisposed()) {
    var (tasks, keys) = GetNewEntityResolutionRequestTasks();
    // GetEntitiesAsync sends a single DB query with "{key} in (...)" clause
    var entities = await GetEntities(keys); ..)
    CompleteEntityResolutionTasks(tasks, keys, entities);

Here is an example of how to use such resolvers:

public virtual async Task<Product?> Get(string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    var dbProduct = await _productResolver.Get(id, cancellationToken);
    if (dbProduct == null)
        return null;
    return new Product() { Id = dbProduct.Id, Price = dbProduct.Price };

Guess why this important? Look at the production-grade GetTotal code:

public virtual async Task<decimal> GetTotal(string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    var cart = await Get(id, cancellationToken);
    if (cart == null)
        return 0;
    var itemTotals = await Task.WhenAll(cart.Items.Select(async item => {
        var product = await _products.Get(item.Key, cancellationToken);
        return item.Value * (product?.Price ?? 0M);
    return itemTotals.Sum();

Contrary to the previous version, it fetches all the products in parallel. But why?

So crafting highly efficient Compute Services based on EF Core is actually quite easy - if you think what’s the extra code you have to write, you’ll find it’s mainly if (Computed.IsInvalidating()) { ... } blocks - the rest is something you’d likely have otherwise at some point as well!

And if you’re curious how much of this “extra” a real app is expected to have - check out Board Games. It’s mentioned in its that this whole app has just about 35 extra lines of code responsible for the invalidation! In other words, Fusion brought the cost of all real-time features this app has to nearly zero there.

Version 4: Distributed Reactive Computing

Code: src/HelloCart/v4

So far we’ve learned how to build a version of our API that works locally. What does it take to convert it to a remotely callable one?

Actually, almost nothing! Here is AppV4 constructor:

var baseUri = new Uri("http://localhost:7005");
Host = BuildHost(baseUri);
HostServices = Host.Services;
ClientServices = BuildClientServices(baseUri);

So this version of app:

Can you spot any difference when you run the app in this mode? You can’t 🙀 Update delays is the only difference you might measure, but they’re still extremely tiny, because both the server and the client share the same machine.

All of this means that Fusion is capable of providing a client for any Compute Service that mimics its behavior completely, including everything related to invalidation and dependency tracking.

Such clients are called Compute Service Clients. They are Compute Services too - you can even cast them to IComputeService as any other compute service. But:

This is a very basic description of how it works. So let’s see what do we need to publish Compute Service first. We’ll start from Host container configuration:

services.AddFusion(fusion => {
    fusion.AddServer<IProductService, DbProductService>(); // Notice we use "AddServer" here instead of "AddService" 
    fusion.AddServer<ICartService, DbCartService>(); // Same here
    fusion.AddWebServer(); // This is the only new line. 

Let’s look at web app configuration now:

app.UseWebSockets(new WebSocketOptions() { // We obviously need this
    KeepAliveInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), // Just in case
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => {
    endpoints.MapRpcWebSocketServer(); // Straightforward, right?

Let’s switch to the client side code now. The client-side container uses the following configuration:

services.AddFusion(fusion => {
    fusion.AddClient<IProductService>(); // Notice we use "AddClient" here instead of "AddService" 
    fusion.AddClient<ICartService>(); // Same here

Where can you use such clients? Actually, everywhere!

So welcome to Distributed Reactive Computing!

Version 5: Multi-host Scenario

Code: src/HelloCart/v5

You already know that Fusion is capable to “propagate” the invalidations to every host sharing the same data.

Let’s see what’s necessary to make it work. This is our full AppV5 - there is nothing else:

public class AppV5 : AppV4
    public IHost ExtraHost { get; protected set; }
    // We'll watch the data on Host:
    public override IServiceProvider WatchServices => HostServices;

    public AppV5()
        var hostUri = new Uri("http://localhost:7005");
        Host = BuildHost(hostUri); // Yes, it uses inherited BuildHost from v4!
        HostServices = Host.Services;

        var extraHostUri = new Uri("http://localhost:7006");
        ExtraHost = BuildHost(extraHostUri);
        ClientServices = BuildClientServices(extraHostUri);
    // + InitializeAsync and DisposeAsync, but there are
    // absolutely straightforward adjustments

So we create an extra host here, but both hosts use the same container configuration we started to use in v2. In other words, no extra is needed to use multi-host invalidation - v2 configuration is already tuned for it.

And if you run this app, it will:

So if you see it reacts to some change, it means that both Compute Service client and multi-host invalidation works. And they really do!

And congrats - this is the end of this part, and now you know almost everything! The parts we didn’t touch at all are:

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