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Part 1: Compute Services

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Fusion offers 3 key abstractions enabling you to build real-time services:

  1. Computed Value – an object describing the result of a computation of type T, which is also capable of notifying you when this result becomes invalidated (most likely inconsistent with the ground truth). Such values always implement Computed<T>; you don’t need to implement this interface though, because the most useful implementations of it are already there.
  2. Compute Service – a service that automatically captures dependencies of outputs of its methods and transparently “backs” them with Computed<T> instances allowing anyone to learn when such outputs become invalidated (inconsistent with the ground truth). Compute Services are supposed to be written by you.
  3. State – an abstraction that “tracks” a single Computed<T>, i.e. continuously references the most up-to-date version of it. Again, you typically don’t need to implement your own IState<T> - Fusion provides its 3 most useful flavors.

Since Compute Services is what you mostly have to deal with, let’s start from this part.

But first, let’s create a helper method allowing us to create an IServiceProvider hosting our Compute Services:

``` cs –editable false –region Part01_CreateServices –source-file Part01.cs public static IServiceProvider CreateServices() { var services = new ServiceCollection(); var fusion = services.AddFusion(); fusion.AddService(); fusion.AddService(); // We'll be using it later fusion.AddService(); // We'll be using it later return services.BuildServiceProvider(); }

Now we're ready to declare our first Compute Service:

``` cs --editable false --region Part01_CounterService --source-file Part01.cs
public class CounterService : IComputeService
    private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, int> _counters = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, int>();

    public virtual async Task<int> Get(string key)
        return _counters.TryGetValue(key, out var value) ? value : 0;

    public void Increment(string key)
        _counters.AddOrUpdate(key, k => 1, (k, v) => v + 1);
        using (Computed.Invalidate())
            _ = Get(key);

For now, please ignore the fact Get is declared as asynchronous method, even though it isn’t truly asynchronous - later I’ll explain why it’s reasonable.

Let’s use CounterService:

``` cs –region Part01_UseCounterService1 –source-file Part01.cs var counters = CreateServices().GetRequiredService(); WriteLine(await counters.Get("a")); WriteLine(await counters.Get("b"));

The output should be:


It looks normal, right? But how about this:

``` cs –region Part01_UseCounterService2 –source-file Part01.cs var counters = CreateServices().GetRequiredService(); WriteLine(await counters.Get("a")); WriteLine(await counters.Get("a"));

The output looks weird now:


So why “Get(a)” wasn’t printed twice here? The answer is:

Let’s see how it works:

``` cs –region Part01_UseCounterService3 –source-file Part01.cs var counters = CreateServices().GetRequiredService(); WriteLine(await counters.Get("a")); counters.Increment("a"); WriteLine(await counters.Get("a"));

The output:


Check out CounterService.Increment source code above - it calls Computed.Invalidate, which evicts the entry. This explains why in this example “Get(a)” is printed twice, even though previously it was printed just for the first call.


Now let’s add another Compute Service:

``` cs –editable false –region Part01_CounterSumService –source-file Part01.cs public class CounterSumService : IComputeService { public CounterService Counters { get; }

public CounterSumService(CounterService counters) => Counters = counters;

public virtual async Task<int> Sum(string key1, string key2)
    WriteLine($"{nameof(Sum)}({key1}, {key2})");
    return await Counters.Get(key1) + await Counters.Get(key2);
} } ```

And use it:

``` cs –region Part01_UseCounterSumService1 –source-file Part01.cs var services = CreateServices(); var counterSum = services.GetRequiredService(); WriteLine(await counterSum.Sum("a", "b")); WriteLine(await counterSum.Sum("a", "b"));

The output:

Sum(a, b)

Assuming you know how these services work now, this is exactly what you’d expect.

Another example:

``` cs –region Part01_UseCounterSumService2 –source-file Part01.cs var services = CreateServices(); var counterSum = services.GetRequiredService(); WriteLine("Nothing is cached (yet):"); WriteLine(await counterSum.Sum("a", "b")); WriteLine("Only Get(a) and Get(b) outputs are cached:"); WriteLine(await counterSum.Sum("b", "a")); WriteLine("Everything is cached:"); WriteLine(await counterSum.Sum("a", "b"));

The output:

Nothing is cached (yet):
Sum(a, b)
Only Get(a) and Get(b) results are cached:
Sum(b, a)
Everything is cached:

Again, nothing unexpected. The results are still cached, but since the key is sensitive to the order of arguments, entries for ("a", "b") and ("b", "a") differ.

But what about this?

``` cs –region Part01_UseCounterSumService3 –source-file Part01.cs var services = CreateServices(); var counters = services.GetRequiredService(); var counterSum = services.GetRequiredService(); WriteLine(await counterSum.Sum("a", "b")); counters.Increment("a"); WriteLine(await counterSum.Sum("a", "b"));

The output:

Sum(a, b)
Sum(a, b)

This is quite unusual, right? Somehow Sum("a", "b") figured out that it has to refresh Get("a") result first, because it was invalidated due to increment. But how?

In reality, every compute method either gets a cached output, or builds a new Computed<T> instance “backing” the computation it’s going to run, and while the computation runs, this instance stays available via Computed.GetCurrent() method. So any other compute method invoked during the computation gets a chance to enlist its own hidden output (Computed<T> as well) as a dependency of the current computed instance.

The actual process is a bit more complex, because it accounts for scenarios you may not anticipate yet:

To close this section, let’s look at the last property closer.

Concurrent Evaluations

Let’s create a simple service to test how Fusion handles concurrency:

``` cs –editable false –region Part01_HelloService –source-file Part01.cs public class HelloService : IComputeService { [ComputeMethod] public virtual async Task Hello(string name) { WriteLine($"+ {nameof(Hello)}({name})"); await Task.Delay(1000); WriteLine($"- {nameof(Hello)}({name})"); return $"Hello, {name}!"; } }

As you see, `Hello` method simply returns a formatted "Hello, X!" message,
but with a 1-second delay. Let's try to run it concurrently:

``` cs --region Part01_UseHelloService1 --source-file Part01.cs
var hello = CreateServices().GetRequiredService<HelloService>();
var t1 = Task.Run(() => hello.Hello("Alice"));
var t2 = Task.Run(() => hello.Hello("Bob"));
var t3 = Task.Run(() => hello.Hello("Bob"));
var t4 = Task.Run(() => hello.Hello("Alice"));
await Task.WhenAll(t1, t2, t3, t4);

The output:

+ Hello(Bob)
+ Hello(Alice)
- Hello(Bob)
- Hello(Alice)
Hello, Alice!
Hello, Bob!
Hello, Bob!
Hello, Alice!

As you see, even though all 4 values were computed, there were just 2 Hello evaluations (for distinct arguments only), and moreover, these two evaluations were running concurrently with each other.

This is an expected behavior: even though nothing is cached in the beginning, there is no reason to run more than one computation for e.g. “Bob” argument concurrently, since all of them are supposed to produce the same result. This is exactly what Fusion ensures.

And on contrary, it’s totally reasonable to let Hello("Alice") computation to run concurrently with Hello("Bob"), because they might produce different output, and if they were launched concurrently, HelloService is designed to support this.

Overall, nearly everything in Fusion supports concurrent invocations:

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