The benchmark measures the performance of mainstream web RPC libraries for .NET (RPC over HTTP / WebSockets), as well as the performance of the new contender - Stl.Rpc from Fusion.
RpcBenchmark is quite new, so there is a chance that our test setup isn’t optimal for some of the tested libraries - even though we did a fair amount of research to maximize the throughput of each one of them. If you’ll find any issues, please let us know / send us a Pull Request.
Tested libraries
- Stl.Rpc – a communication library used by Fusion, which can be used independently as well.
- SignalR
- StreamJsonRpc
- MagicOnion
- gRPC – you can find its official benchmarking dashboard here. There are multiple unofficial benchmarks as well, such as this one.
- HTTP: a RESTful ASP.NET Core API endpoint on the server side, and RestEase-based
wrapper on the client side.
How RpcBenchmark works?
The test is designed to measure the overhead/inefficiencies. The overhead per call is ~ 1/callsPerSecond
assuming you’re CPU-constrained, so so measure the efficiency of a given library, all you need is to squeeze as many callsPerSecond
as possible.
Here is what RpcBenchmark does:
- It creates N clients and N * M worker tasks
- Each worker task runs a loop calling a single method on its client, quickly validates its result & counts the call
- There are 3 test workloads:
, andSayHello
. They differ only by the payload size:Sum
is the simplest one -(int, int) -> int
is(long) -> User
(medium payload)SayHello
uses exactly the same payload as in this gRPC benchmark
- Workers are warmed up for every workload and run every test T times for S seconds. In the end, the result with the best aggregate throughput across all the workers is selected.
How can I run it?
- Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:servicetitan/Stl.Fusion.Samples.git
- Run
dotnet run -c Release --project src/RpcBenchmark/RpcBenchmark.csproj
Command line arguments
You can use Run-RpcBenchmark.cmd <options>
or dotnet run -c Release --project src/RpcBenchmark/RpcBenchmark.csproj -- <options>
to run the benchmark.
Where <options>
server [url]
- starts test server @ the specified URL; the default one is https://localhost:22444/client [url] [client options]
- connect to test server @ the specified URL and run teststest [client options]
- start both the server and the client in the same process and runs tests.
Key client options:
-cc <ClientConcurrency>
- the number of workers sharing a single client instance (HttpClient, gRPC Channel, SignalR client, etc.)-w <WorkerCount>
- the total number of worker tasks-d <TestDuration>
- the duration of each test in seconds, the default is5
-n <TryCount>
- the number of times to run each test to select the best result, the default is4
-b <Benchmarks>
- comma-separated list of tests to run, which must be a subset ofStlRpc,SignalR,StreamJsonRpc,MagicOnion,gRPC,HTTP
, the default is full set of tests-wait
- wait for a key press before terminating.
The default client options are:
-cc 120 -w <CpuCount*300> -d 5 -n 4 -b <AllBenchmarks>
Benchmark Results
Last updated: 8/16/2023.
- OS: Windows 11
- .NET: 8.0 Preview 7
- LAN tests:
- Bandwidth: 1 Gbps
- Server: Intel Core i7 11800H (8 CPU cores = 16 virtual hyper-threaded cores) constrained to 6 virtual cores
- Client: Ryzen Threadripper 3960X (24 CPU cores = 48 virtual hyper-threaded cores)
- Local tests: Ryzen Threadripper 3960X
LAN tests
LAN tests - high client concurrency (500)
- Server:
- Client:
Run-RpcBenchmark-Client.cmd -cc 500 -w 10000
System-wide settings:
Thread pool settings: 48+ worker, 48+ I/O threads
ByteSerializer.Default: MessagePack
Client settings:
Server URL:
Test plan: 5.00s warmup, 4 x 5.00s runs
Total worker count: 10000
Client concurrency: 500
Client count: 20
Sum : 862.27K 1.19M 1.17M 1.19M -> 1.19M calls/s
GetUser : 821.86K 809.93K 807.60K 811.07K -> 821.86K calls/s
SayHello : 482.01K 479.82K 480.23K 480.94K -> 482.01K calls/s
Sum : 800.22K 801.45K 794.29K 791.82K -> 801.45K calls/s
GetUser : 625.54K 624.14K 627.01K 621.87K -> 627.01K calls/s
SayHello : 340.64K 345.35K 342.72K 332.22K -> 345.35K calls/s
Sum : 173.71K 171.64K 161.88K 167.82K -> 173.71K calls/s
GetUser : 133.28K 132.31K 131.10K 129.99K -> 133.28K calls/s
SayHello : 57.82K 54.53K 56.34K 53.51K -> 57.82K calls/s
Sum : 117.05K 120.05K 119.03K 116.09K -> 120.05K calls/s
GetUser : 113.83K 113.36K 101.22K 94.55K -> 113.83K calls/s
SayHello : 91.09K 88.23K 90.37K 90.13K -> 91.09K calls/s
Sum : 109.37K 104.45K 102.33K 99.85K -> 109.37K calls/s
GetUser : 106.62K 102.25K 102.97K 103.16K -> 106.62K calls/s
SayHello : 99.42K 98.16K 101.81K 100.55K -> 101.81K calls/s
Sum : 76.65K 95.31K 96.05K 96.96K -> 96.96K calls/s
GetUser : 97.02K 95.65K 93.25K 95.62K -> 97.02K calls/s
SayHello : 82.91K 87.30K 86.83K 87.68K -> 87.68K calls/s
LAN tests - low client concurrency (10)
- Server:
- Client:
Run-RpcBenchmark-Client.cmd -cc 10 -w 10000
System-wide settings:
Thread pool settings: 48+ worker, 48+ I/O threads
ByteSerializer.Default: MessagePack
Client settings:
Server URL:
Test plan: 5.00s warmup, 4 x 5.00s runs
Total worker count: 10000
Client concurrency: 10
Client count: 1000
Sum : 542.45K 497.41K 548.56K 498.03K -> 548.56K calls/s
GetUser : 489.61K 461.83K 457.90K 413.73K -> 489.61K calls/s
SayHello : 352.40K 345.78K 366.69K 327.86K -> 366.69K calls/s
Sum : 322.26K 318.24K 318.07K 326.15K -> 326.15K calls/s
GetUser : 359.93K 350.13K 360.51K 355.77K -> 360.51K calls/s
SayHello : 281.83K 279.91K 288.70K 263.40K -> 288.70K calls/s
Sum : 143.00K 136.94K 142.42K 136.68K -> 143.00K calls/s
GetUser : 115.00K 116.07K 116.07K 110.61K -> 116.07K calls/s
SayHello : 57.15K 53.85K 50.96K 52.62K -> 57.15K calls/s
Failed with HttpRequestException: The server refused the connection.
Failed with HttpRequestException: The server refused the connection.
Sum : 90.51K 91.96K 95.20K 95.78K -> 95.78K calls/s
GetUser : 94.84K 94.09K 94.29K 95.17K -> 95.17K calls/s
SayHello : 82.65K 85.96K 86.53K 86.38K -> 86.53K calls/s
LAN tests - no client concurrency (1) and low number of workers (200)
- Server:
- Client:
Run-RpcBenchmark-Client.cmd -cc 1 -w 200
Sum : 125.10K 123.65K 124.99K 124.50K -> 125.10K calls/s
GetUser : 105.78K 103.09K 103.36K 103.45K -> 105.78K calls/s
SayHello : 94.78K 94.30K 92.85K 94.26K -> 94.78K calls/s
Sum : 112.24K 112.34K 112.34K 112.20K -> 112.34K calls/s
GetUser : 107.77K 106.51K 107.55K 107.55K -> 107.77K calls/s
SayHello : 89.65K 89.70K 89.49K 89.58K -> 89.70K calls/s
Sum : 69.17K 69.62K 69.13K 69.55K -> 69.62K calls/s
GetUser : 59.95K 59.17K 60.06K 58.99K -> 60.06K calls/s
SayHello : 36.99K 36.78K 36.34K 36.95K -> 36.99K calls/s
Sum : 46.67K 43.72K 46.57K 45.26K -> 46.67K calls/s
GetUser : 41.46K 46.81K 42.38K 42.05K -> 46.81K calls/s
SayHello : 42.11K 40.16K 39.90K 41.01K -> 42.11K calls/s
Sum : 49.02K 49.17K 47.57K 35.68K -> 49.17K calls/s
GetUser : 45.34K 44.85K 44.69K 45.57K -> 45.57K calls/s
SayHello : 44.93K 44.20K 42.64K 44.65K -> 44.93K calls/s
Sum : 117.98K 118.84K 119.00K 119.27K -> 119.27K calls/s
GetUser : 116.55K 115.95K 116.99K 115.95K -> 116.99K calls/s
SayHello : 88.41K 89.24K 88.63K 89.26K -> 89.26K calls/s
Local tests
Local tests - default settings
Command: Run-RpcBenchmark.cmd test
System-wide settings:
Thread pool settings: 48+ worker, 48+ I/O threads
ByteSerializer.Default: MessagePack
Starting server @ https://localhost:22444/
Client settings:
Server URL: https://localhost:22444/
Test plan: 5.00s warmup, 4 x 5.00s runs
Total worker count: 14400
Client concurrency: 120
Client count: 120
Sum : 2.67M 3.14M 3.30M 3.19M -> 3.30M calls/s
GetUser : 2.66M 2.59M 2.64M 2.65M -> 2.66M calls/s
SayHello : 1.75M 1.74M 1.75M 1.72M -> 1.75M calls/s
Sum : 2.75M 2.73M 2.74M 2.69M -> 2.75M calls/s
GetUser : 2.39M 2.36M 2.32M 2.34M -> 2.39M calls/s
SayHello : 1.22M 1.21M 1.19M 1.17M -> 1.22M calls/s
Sum : 227.85K 224.79K 249.84K 228.25K -> 249.84K calls/s
GetUser : 183.93K 181.97K 182.24K 182.15K -> 183.93K calls/s
SayHello : 58.83K 59.15K 59.04K 59.10K -> 59.15K calls/s
Sum : 125.88K 120.66K 119.31K 122.00K -> 125.88K calls/s
GetUser : 128.26K 129.67K 125.56K 127.15K -> 129.67K calls/s
SayHello : 125.15K 125.76K 123.67K 119.70K -> 125.76K calls/s
Sum : 128.28K 127.80K 121.23K 122.44K -> 128.28K calls/s
GetUser : 126.51K 127.30K 126.23K 128.52K -> 128.52K calls/s
SayHello : 124.50K 124.58K 125.11K 123.18K -> 125.11K calls/s
Sum : 146.10K 150.21K 147.05K 147.35K -> 150.21K calls/s
GetUser : 148.69K 143.76K 151.10K 143.60K -> 151.10K calls/s
SayHello : 136.11K 137.46K 134.38K 135.96K -> 137.46K calls/s
Local tests - best settings for gRPC and MagicOnion
Command: Run-RpcBenchmark.cmd test -cc 1000 -b grpc,mo
System-wide settings:
Thread pool settings: 48+ worker, 48+ I/O threads
ByteSerializer.Default: MessagePack
Starting server @ https://localhost:22444/
Client settings:
Server URL: https://localhost:22444/
Test plan: 5.00s warmup, 4 x 5.00s runs
Total worker count: 14400
Client concurrency: 1000
Client count: 15
Sum : 105.63K 174.80K 187.04K 186.30K -> 187.04K calls/s
GetUser : 185.31K 183.92K 183.93K 184.95K -> 185.31K calls/s
SayHello : 180.07K 175.79K 181.53K 177.62K -> 181.53K calls/s
Sum : 180.95K 179.12K 178.14K 181.35K -> 181.35K calls/s
GetUser : 175.71K 173.05K 173.18K 172.31K -> 175.71K calls/s
SayHello : 167.32K 165.32K 169.15K 169.25K -> 169.25K calls/s
Local tests + server constrained to 6 cores
Run-RpcBenchmark-Server.cmd <CoreCount>
to start the server pinned to the first N CPU cores (the default is 6)Run-RpcBenchmark-Client.cmd [url] [client options]
to run the client. It’s the same command asdotnet run -c Release --project src/RpcBenchmark/RpcBenchmark.csproj -- client [url] [client options]
6-core server, best settings for Stl.Rpc & SignalR
Run-RpcBenchmark-Client.cmd -wait -cc 100 -w 10000
System-wide settings:
Thread pool settings: 48+ worker, 48+ I/O threads
ByteSerializer.Default: MessagePack
Client settings:
Server URL: https://localhost:22444/
Test plan: 5.00s warmup, 4 x 5.00s runs
Total worker count: 10000
Client concurrency: 100
Client count: 100
Sum : 1.04M 1.04M 1.05M 1.05M -> 1.05M calls/s
GetUser : 753.31K 760.69K 761.49K 772.16K -> 772.16K calls/s
SayHello : 499.23K 501.05K 499.70K 499.56K -> 501.05K calls/s
Sum : 851.24K 857.56K 858.49K 847.26K -> 858.49K calls/s
GetUser : 713.97K 697.03K 698.62K 708.12K -> 713.97K calls/s
SayHello : 313.98K 314.85K 308.84K 313.44K -> 314.85K calls/s
Sum : 122.80K 122.54K 121.67K 124.02K -> 124.02K calls/s
GetUser : 93.07K 92.32K 93.97K 92.80K -> 93.97K calls/s
SayHello : 43.37K 42.34K 43.19K 43.38K -> 43.38K calls/s
Sum : 74.80K 84.16K 84.04K 81.14K -> 84.16K calls/s
GetUser : 69.71K 79.68K 78.54K 80.98K -> 80.98K calls/s
SayHello : 74.24K 77.60K 74.22K 76.27K -> 77.60K calls/s
Sum : 86.36K 57.64K 76.64K 77.06K -> 86.36K calls/s
GetUser : 86.35K 92.07K 86.61K 92.18K -> 92.18K calls/s
SayHello : 89.01K 82.55K 84.90K 81.27K -> 89.01K calls/s
Sum : 75.53K 72.44K 75.19K 75.30K -> 75.53K calls/s
GetUser : 71.68K 72.56K 72.85K 70.57K -> 72.85K calls/s
SayHello : 60.87K 58.25K 60.94K 59.99K -> 60.94K calls/s
6-core server, best settings for gRPC
Run-RpcBenchmark-Client.cmd -wait -cc 1000 -w 10000
System-wide settings:
Thread pool settings: 48+ worker, 48+ I/O threads
ByteSerializer.Default: MessagePack
Client settings:
Server URL: https://localhost:22444/
Test plan: 5.00s warmup, 4 x 5.00s runs
Total worker count: 10000
Client concurrency: 1000
Client count: 10
Sum : 959.11K 912.14K 910.62K 888.58K -> 959.11K calls/s
GetUser : 624.38K 615.48K 623.40K 631.55K -> 631.55K calls/s
SayHello : 409.44K 423.51K 414.74K 421.74K -> 423.51K calls/s
Sum : 843.17K 847.50K 844.43K 843.37K -> 847.50K calls/s
GetUser : 646.71K 642.96K 656.32K 637.99K -> 656.32K calls/s
SayHello : 252.49K 271.26K 260.31K 268.19K -> 271.26K calls/s
Sum : 115.51K 117.17K 115.91K 116.46K -> 117.17K calls/s
GetUser : 85.15K 87.24K 87.65K 85.81K -> 87.65K calls/s
SayHello : 48.47K 49.09K 47.96K 49.99K -> 49.99K calls/s
Sum : 88.01K 85.13K 87.55K 88.55K -> 88.55K calls/s
GetUser : 84.86K 86.22K 83.73K 84.63K -> 86.22K calls/s
SayHello : 79.11K 79.12K 77.69K 79.11K -> 79.12K calls/s
Sum : 91.05K 86.54K 91.77K 91.46K -> 91.77K calls/s
GetUser : 89.83K 88.54K 88.19K 90.39K -> 90.39K calls/s
SayHello : 86.63K 87.43K 83.50K 85.47K -> 87.43K calls/s
Sum : 75.60K 76.56K 76.91K 76.18K -> 76.91K calls/s
GetUser : 74.40K 74.27K 74.48K 74.57K -> 74.57K calls/s
SayHello : 60.99K 58.05K 61.97K 59.36K -> 61.97K calls/s